Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Where's the painting?

Well.... I've been painting, but haven't resolved my latest attempts and I thought about posting works in progress... too lazy! (I've also been sick but I'm on the mend.)  I found a site, on my blog list, that organizes a virtual paint out and I got really excited about it, but google maps seems to be a real slog to get through. Has anyone participated in that and is there an easy way to get around? I got on the street and then back to the big map without much continuity.  I did find it interesting though, as this month's challenge is Liverpool and I had no idea what it looked like. Now I have an idea and Abby Road is not there, but you already knew that.
I'll have a new post after Easter as I am the family hostess this year and all my spare time between now and then will be in preparation for a feast for 15. Most of the prep is the much needed cleaning that I've been procrastinating... These peeps will be on the menu. How cute are they? (I hate that question, but really?) I'm making them strictly for decorative purposes! Have a good one.

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